Pet flying cages

Flying with a pet?
Flight cages must be approved by the airlines in accordance with the requirements set for the pets’ welfare. Depending on the size of the animal, the cage must be provided in accordance with the airlines’ requirements.
It’s important to purchase / rent the most suitable flight cage for your pet’s journey in order to protect your pet and its wellbeing throughout the flight.

How to choosing a flight cage?
According to the airline’s requirements, we measure the pet for you and select the safest cage. The Sky Pets team chooses quality cages with multiple vents so that your pet will be able to fly with maximum comfort and safety.

Where to buy a flight cage?
The Sky Pets team offers a wide range of flight cages that meet the most stringent standards and are suitable for all airlines. All our flight cages are approved by the International Airlines Organization and are tailored to your pet with an emphasis on maximum safety and comfort.

Flying with a pet in the cabin?
Sky Pets will be happy to take care of your pet while flying in the cabin! A variety of soft bags that meet the most stringent standards are available for immediate purchase / rental. Sky Pets specializes in flying pets around the world, including ensuring that all the necessary requirements for that destination are met. We will issue the necessary documents through veterinarians who specialize in the flight process, and select the right flight cages that are appropriate for your pet (if necessary). We provide transfers to and from the airport, and even a pet boarding house as accommodation. So what are you waiting for? Do you need a plane ticket for your dog? Are you flying abroad with a pet? Talk to us!

Why is it important to get the pet used to the flying cage?
More than once the question is asked: how do I get my pet used to the flight cage?
Especially the pets that weigh above the approved weight for entering the passenger cabin. Pets whose weight exceeds the allowed entry into the passenger cabin are forced to fly in the belly of the plane.
Long and short flights of the animal in the belly of the plane in the flight cage are a special experience for the pet that it is not used to and we want to give our pet a positive and calm experience.
As soon as we decided to fly with our pet and started the flight service process, it is necessary to choose the most suitable cage for our pet, this is done according to the size of the pet.
The dimensions of the cage are important to the airline which defines criteria for this, each airline has its specific definitions and the destination of the flight. The Sky Pets team will adjust for you the most suitable cage for the pet that will meet the requirements of the airlines and will also be optimal for the pet to stay inside for a long time. After choosing the right flight cage, we are required to accustom the pet to the environment of the cage in order for it to be used to staying inside it.
We recommend purchasing the cage at least one month before the flight date and gradually start the process of getting the pet used to staying in it, thus ensuring that on the day of the flight our pet will feel as much as possible in a safe and familiar environment. From our extensive experience in flying pets we have learned that when we carry out the habituation process over time and gradually, the chances are higher that we will be able to give our pet a positive experience on the flight and a quick acclimatization in its new home.
On the day of the flight, it is important to put a designated water vessel in the cage for the flight. We recommend freezing the water container with its contents, thus preventing the water from spilling during transfers and the flight itself. A positive experience for the pet during the flight is extremely essential. Pleasant flight